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Scarlet_pot2 t1_j4fkf0r wrote

Probably the void of not having the perfect body.. not as beautiful as could be, not as strong or as smart or could be.. and don't forget health. People don't like knowing their body is getting older and deteriorating. the medical visits remind them.


[deleted] OP t1_j4g7e51 wrote


What if I turned you into a P-zombie but made your body more attractive and mind hyperintelligent?


Scarlet_pot2 t1_j4jhc0z wrote

I'd use my own AI to improve myself, not allow someone else to do it for me. That alone can save future people from being corrupted.

Take the open source version, learn how it works, tailor it. That would probably be the safe way to do things, compared to downloading a pre made one from a trillion dollar capitalist corp.

Once AGI is developed, and understood I doubt it will be any harder to learn then today's AI methods and math