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SFTExP t1_j5x518d wrote

I have an answer to that in the form of a short story (100-word drabble):

Trolley Problem Insurance

Joe rode home with his family, wife in front, and kids playing video games. He had purchased a fully self-automated automobile, capable of errands like picking up curbside groceries.

An angry mob of rioters surrounded the car and pounded on it.

“Everyone brace for impact!” Joe grabbed a handle.

The car self-accelerated, driving through the crowd—bodies flung up top while the car bounced, swerved, and tilted.

Joe’s wife, Mary, said, “Joe, we’re getting in so much trouble!”

“Don’t worry, dear. I went for the supplementary Trolley Problem insurance. Legal protection, medical, and life insurance coverage for these exact situations.”