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SeaSaltStrangla t1_j5xzfgg wrote

What does the LEV in your flair mean?


Phoenix5869 t1_j5xzul1 wrote

Longevity escape velocity, the theorised point in time when life expectancy goes up by 1 year or more for each year that passes, due to technology etc


SeaSaltStrangla t1_j5y0m7a wrote

Very interesting. Unrelated tangent: I read at length today a book that basically argues that 1989-2015 is the best the world will ever be, and society will only get worse from this point onward. Really fascinating coming on this sub and seeing the polarity of how people so optimistically view the future.


Phoenix5869 t1_j5y1wk0 wrote

Yeah people on this sub are, to put it nicely, pretty optimistic


SoylentRox t1_j61o8t4 wrote

So if LEV ever happens at a point in the future for humanity, won't that era be the start of the "best era ever for humanity". LEV doesn't just mean "you live with no upper limit", it means more chances. More opportunities to make things better. More possibilities of a better era. You can start campaigning for social change that will take 200 years to happen and you will personally benefit.

Also even if the first versions of the tech are somewhat invasive and aren't pretty, you merely need to live long enough and if an era of everyone looking like Greek Gods and participating in open air orgies becomes the New Normal, well, you are able to partake if you wish.