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sir-bald t1_j5zzqws wrote

Does it even matter what judgement the car makes in this situation (at least to start with)? By being willing to *not* go there, and keeping self-driving cars off the road, you're condemning the lives of thousands of drivers a year who make mistakes while doing the easy things (e.g. highway driving) that a driverless car can repeatably nail (source here

There is actually a much, much larger trolley problem lurking here that people rarely talk about: choose to delay self driving cars, and be responsible for the deaths of many, many unfortunate people making mundane mistakes, or push for self-driving hard now, and be responsible for the deaths of (relatively few) people who are killed as a result of unfortunate edge cases (whether that be due to "AI decisions" or just software bugs). So yeah, I think we should be willing to go there, and quickly.