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just_thisGuy t1_j5qp3g1 wrote

Much sooner than 2050-2060, I’m thinking around 2045 but it’s not a one year event or anything, my guess is by 2035 the changes will be almost magical already. I think the singularity will be a span starting in 2035 or so and lasting decades, it will be singularly up on singularity.


GayHitIer t1_j5qpen6 wrote

Sure the technology will be around there, but for it to change the world as we know, it will take some time for people and politics... don't even get me started with ethics, people will delay this as much as they can sadly.

Doesn't really matter cause LEV will probably also come out around that time to buy us more time.


just_thisGuy t1_j5qqigp wrote

I frankly don’t think politics will matter or anything on Earth, I think AGI, augmented humans, ASI and whatever else will just move off world and do what they please. I don’t mean this in a bad way, but in a good way. The future is off world.


ElwinLewis t1_j5qt65g wrote

What exactly do you mean by move off world?


dingle__dogs t1_j5qzvy6 wrote

space. not earth. extraterrestrial. low earth orbit.


SoylentRox t1_j5sl9tk wrote

Probably just the Moon. Someone could set up biotech clinics there that offer therapies directly from an AGI (that doesn't care about drug patent law) or strip mine the place without environmental impact paperwork or licensing