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LoquaciousAntipodean OP t1_j6h6sib wrote

Oh don't get me wrong, my perspective has been very broadened by some of the discussions in places like this.

And goodness knows, life would be very boring if we all agreed. I've just decided that, clearly, this is the wrong forum to focus on AI development.

The concept of 'singularity' is just fundamentally incompatible with the concept of 'intelligence', as I see it, and it's become too exhausting and exasperating for me to keep trying to explain why.

I've accepted, now, that 'singularity' is just the name of this place and the overall prevalent attitude, so the likelihood of multi-modal, non-singular, potentially-AGI-someday AI, as a concept, being taken seriously here, seems fairly low.

Hanging around here to learn about AI seems equivalent to hanging around a Flat Earther subreddit to learn about geography; it might be entertaining, even informative, but the 'education' one gleans from it is dubious at best.