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NoPaleontologist5222 t1_j63xf41 wrote

Saying that Human art is dead is like saying horses should be extinct because we have cars. On a fundamental level they really have nothing to do with each other. Another example is saying we shouldn’t need skilled carpenters because we can 3D print houses or use prefabricated manufacturing.

Now, in terms of going in to art as a professional career to sustain a family and make a living… that’s really no different than trying to become a professional athlete or a movie star. The passion (and at times connections and genetics) needs to be there.

Your professional work doesn’t have to be something that you “love” or even feel passionate about. In fact I’d argue it makes it easier to disconnect from work if you’re not passionate about it. Keep art as a hobby if you’re passionate about it.

AI hype train is full steam right now and given how long technology has taken to proliferate globally (iPhone I would say has only in the past few years reached full saturation) AI will still need to be adopted and used by all the humans that first need to find a killer app for it. Right now it’s shaping up to be the next level up in google search / an incredible digital assistant. Amplifying productivity and capabilities of professionals in multiple fields. AI won’t take a job today; AI + a human most definitely will start to.

Long story short, it’s way early and you’re young. Think more on what you would actually see yourself doing for the next 5 years. Adapt to the world accordingly after that time assuming anything has truly changed.