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sumane12 t1_j4nlmfo wrote


winterofchaos t1_j4ogmff wrote

Okay kiddo, so there are these tiny things in our body called neurons that help our brain send messages to the rest of our body. Scientists are trying to make tiny machines that can do the same thing as neurons, but it's hard to make them work the same way. They found a special kind of plastic that can work like a neuron and they used it to make a tiny machine that can send messages like a real neuron. They also found that they can make the machine work better by adding special chemicals called amino acids. They tested the tiny machine on a mouse and it worked really well, just like a real neuron.


LoquaciousAntipodean t1_j4omypi wrote

Did you actually use ChatGPT? That's a pretty elegant and accurate summary, fk knows what those downvotes are about.


ThePokemon_BandaiD t1_j4powbm wrote

this is not what the article is about... they didn't use amino acids in any way and these "neurons" definitely weren't used in a mouse because they don't actually function as a neuron, they just mimic the most basic aspect of how a neuron sends a signal along itself, and nothing about how they communicate with eachother.