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GayHitIer t1_j3le80y wrote

Again you reek of arrogance, if anyone is throwing around words they don't understand you would be a fine example.

And I didn't ask you if you would be around in 30 years, even so the Kurz might be a techno Optimist, but he hasn't been off his guess work. What happens in the next decade will be revolutionary we might eliminate biological aging as we know and live healthy and young indefinitely, but ohhhh we don't have it right now means we will never.

Enjoy being ignorant and arrogant, if you really don't care it's your choice I will enjoy being young as long as I can and be open to the future.


a4mula t1_j3lenrm wrote

The problem with youth? It's wasted on the young.

I am arrogant. Do you know why? Because I'm not a fucking idiot, in world of them.

You wanna separate the chaff from the wheat and find out which side of that you fall on?


Desperate_Food7354 OP t1_j3lf02w wrote

The youth is wasted on the young because there is currently no other choice, curing biological aging would allow the old and wise to have the youth they require to create and invent with the decades of knowledge they have in their new found youth.


GayHitIer t1_j3lf2mv wrote

You seriously have some deep seeded problems, Wasted on the young??? What does that even mean everyone should have access to things fairly, and the only smart people is people who can accept their own stupidity calling others idiots again just make you sound like a clown.

And the whole chafe from the wheat analogy, damn bro that is deep. Everyone deserves access to this nobody should be excluded it will save billions, even the rich will have no reason to keep this to themselves, which is how science should be distributed.


a4mula t1_j3lfacq wrote

No, it means that people waste the best and most productive years of their lives lacking the wisdom to use them appropriately.

I was no different btw.


GayHitIer t1_j3lfgml wrote

If we cure as you call age related diseases people would have more lifetime to collect wisdom and become smarter, also we would have more people take responsibility for the climate and the world as of now.

Most people don't care, cause they die before reaping what they sow, with life expansion people would for once actually take accountability for their actions and we might evolve as a species.

I myself will live if possible at least a 1000 years before I would die by own means if possible.


a4mula t1_j3lfzcp wrote

Then do that. But stop assuming you can cure aging. That's a natural biological process we must all go through otherwise we'll never develop past a sperm and egg.

Aging isn't a disease.


Spreadwarnotlove t1_j3n33y9 wrote

So your entire argument boils down to semantics. Okay.


a4mula t1_j3sbf6w wrote

I've never claimed otherwise. But it's important because this is the framework that will set the perspective.

Again, learn from the mistakes of people much smarter than you or I.

Right now, today, this very moment. Some asshole is throwing his life away searching for a way to cure plaques in the brain because of it.


Spreadwarnotlove t1_j3sdpvl wrote

You have zero legs to stand on. Your argument is pointless. And you have zero idea what you are talking about.


a4mula t1_j3sgaht wrote

I have two legs. I can see them at least. Move them around. They come in quite handy.

I'm not making an argument. I am pointing out facts.

Aging is not a disease. It's a natural biological process.

You do not cure aging, it's not a disease.

You can attempt to find the mechanisms that cause our bodies to become less functional over time. You can call those diseases if you'd like. Though that's still a misnomer.

You can then attempt to treat those mechanisms in a way that they no longer produce the unwanted effects.

Every single thing I've stated is factual.

If you'd like to argue them. Feel free. Until that time, how about you take a giant pill of, wake the fuck up and learn what the words you use mean.


banuk_sickness_eater t1_j3ndypi wrote

>The problem with youth? It's wasted on the young.

Sophistic as it comes. Lmfao thanks for the laughs.


a4mula t1_j3sb54o wrote

>“I learned long ago never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.” - George Bernard Shaw

Recommended reading btw.