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arachnivore OP t1_j4oqtpz wrote

I'm so tired of this chicken-little bullshit that a bunch of "intellectual dark web" assholes go on about the "freedom of speech in academia" as though its so hard to communicate science without using racial slurs.

Elon Musk said he bought Twitter because he's sooooo concerned about the importance of "freedom of speech" to the future of society. Ha!!! He then prompltly un-banned a bunch of Neo Nazis like Richard Spensor while banning a bunch of people critical of him. It's all bull shit. We've been through this. Karl Popper already famously solved the "paradox of tolerance". Bigots have absolutely NOTHING to bring to the "marketplace of ideas". We already fought a world war over the information hazard that is Fascism! We don't need to mull these ideas over more. Their "absence" (bah!) in scientific or political discourse certainly is NOT among the biggest challenges facing humanity. It's way smaller than the rising prevalence of FASCISM ITSELF!

This idiocy NEEDS TO END. People working in genetic medicine ABSOLUTELY SHOULD be aware of the very thin line they walk between medicine and eugenics and ABSOLUTELY SHOULD be careful in how they communicate their ideas. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK, MR. BOSTROM?!

Who's worried about the free speech of minorities or children born in cancer villages who have no chance of ever get to voice their perspectives in the halls of academia.


Cointransients t1_j4ox56p wrote

This is Facebook comment section tier lunacy. Get this pseud shit off our comfy politically neutral sub and go back to futurology with the rest of the unhinged panicky doomers


Z3F t1_j4ovmbi wrote

Tell us how you really feel.


gahblahblah t1_j4p2dty wrote

Politics invades every sub I subscribe to like a virus. You are the virus carrier- trying to get us talking about who to cancel. Get a life.


arachnivore OP t1_j4p4cad wrote

This is a sub about the future of humanity. How could it possibly be a-political? Get a brain...