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SoylentRox t1_j4p75zv wrote

I don't care enough about the subject to know how much was correct and embarrassing vs unscientific. I was explaining that the modern version of it - often pushed by old white scientists - usually finds Asians the smartest and women more intelligent on average but with a tighter distribution. (This got the president of Harvard cancelled for mentioning this knowledge aloud). This makes your understanding of it incorrect.


arachnivore OP t1_j4p7yu0 wrote

>I don't care enough about the subject to know how much was correct and embarrassing vs unscientific.

Yeah, no fucking shit. Yet you still spout it with supreme confidence and claim that I'm the one who's incorrect. Go figure...


SoylentRox t1_j4p82rr wrote

I am confident I know what the numerous studies all said. I don't and you don't have sufficient evidence to disprove them or to prove the null hypothesis. (That intelligence isn't heritable)


arachnivore OP t1_j4pd17f wrote

You haven’t provided a shred of evidence for me to disprove. You’re the one making the claim that “studies all said” something. Which studies? Link ‘‘em and I’ll be happy to knock them down.


SoylentRox t1_j4qwvnx wrote

>Which studies? Link ‘‘em and I’ll be happy to knock them down.

You are not a rational actor and can't be trusted. You believe without evidence that everyone is equal because that's 'woke'. If it turns out that everyone is not equal you would not be able to accept the possibility and would have to start seeking false explanations.


arachnivore OP t1_j4u7c9b wrote

Don't tell me what I believe. Provide proof of your claims or GTFO.


SoylentRox t1_j4u7hln wrote

Go read the fucking original material instead of making bullshit claims because it makes your dick hard to imagine someone losing their career from something they said over 20 years ago.