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AdorableBackground83 t1_j3plso7 wrote

I put my prediction in 2050 when 3D printing is now able to print virtually any household sized object at the nano level.

That’s the key word “nano”. Atom by atom. It would be so precise that it would make the best quality 3D printers today look extremely primitive.

Maybe the year 2050 would be seen as extremely conservative in this community but I feel such an advanced technology like this is so dangerous in the average Joes hands.


what_if_you_like t1_j3re3u8 wrote

one could theoretically print a nuclear warhead with ease using one of those, a pound of uranium ore only costs about 30$


chrisc82 t1_j3ribbu wrote

Fermi paradox explained: Cletus wasn't happy with just tannerite, so he printed up the biggest nuke the world would ever see.