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[deleted] t1_j3tpyvf wrote

There wouldn't really be a point, other than rapid prototyping and R&D which right now most corporate entities do not prefer they'd rather have stagnation and make money off what already exists. Once it starts cutting into the profits of major companies then it'll become a problem and they'll want to get rid of it and the problem isn't going to be like making something new but repairing something old remember they don't want technology to last anymore but with 3D printers you could do repairs on certain items to keep them going heck formlabs showed me a material they used a couple years ago that you could used to 3D print the manifold of a classic car and you could use that manifold for up to I think it was 3 months but the material was basically made to make a mold to do a drop Forge casting.

Honestly I think 3D printing if it does make it a mark anywhere and they find out how to do it with food but again just to make novelty items out of food and the other thing would be making casts and molds for jewelry and dentists.

Whatever gets used for keeping old products up and running you better believe that someone's going to drop the hammer on that it's just the world we live in.

As of right now it looks like it's just going down the same path as CB radios did in the 70s