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VenetianBauta t1_j528kti wrote

The best one is for sure rewriting random text into different styles to make my work presentations more entertaining.

Nothing like "Reasons to Move to the Cloud by Jane Austen" to get people hooked.


Aymana7326 t1_j528ufr wrote

Helping me with school essays and homework


Sneudles t1_j529luc wrote

I made it code an arduino based synthesizer. Still gotta build it tho.


PBMthrowawayguy t1_j529obb wrote

I am a photographer - using it to generate shot lists, and questions for event organizers has been great.

For instance, I am shooting a women’s nonprofit mountain biking event later this year. ChatGPT list it off a ton of cool shots I would not of thought of that I can now plan around.

I use it for literally every meeting now.


Frumpagumpus t1_j52baed wrote

i almost exclusively use playground as opposed to chatgpt, but i find it helplful for

writing sql queries

writing javascript that manipulates or accesses json that you can give it a structured example of

helped me figure out emacs keybindings in some instances

i occasionally use it to generate text or bounce random thoughts i have off of it.

has helped me get started on my taxes by suggesting relevant forms


iamawesome4 t1_j52qkw3 wrote

Honestly I wish I could use it to write my contact notes for me. I’m a mental health worker and I believe writing down what happened takes away from time that could be helping the person. Of course HIPAA gets in the way of using chatGPT plus most of the time I’m in places where I don’t have access to wifi while working.

I can ask how to approach a situation vaguely when I’m not working. For example, “what are somethings I can do if I a grieving the death of a loved one but their is a disagreement in the family about what to do about the funeral.” And it will generate some ideas. I have tried showing some of my clients how to use it especially for decision making but they didn’t seem that interested or have difficulties reading and understanding the somewhat complex language. Of course chatGPT can’t really recommend support groups in our area or something.

For grad school it saves my life. While I still read the text I have to read, it will make notes for me so I can refer to the readings easier. It will also explain some concepts in a different way that helps me understand. I also will give basically everything I want to put in a paragraph or two and it will write it for me. That is always the hardest part for me is putting what is in my head into a neat post (this is why this comment is long af because I am currently not using chatGPT). It saves me hours of work as I used to just rewrite my assignments 10 billion times and turn it in late as a result of my perfectionist procrastination.


PBMthrowawayguy t1_j52tegt wrote

I just generated some new ones for you! For my meeting, I generated 30 or so and handpicked the ones I liked the most. Some of them were pretty obvious, some I would not thought of. Here is a sampling below!

Sure, here are some more specific shots that could be included in a mountain biking event:

Close-up of participants' faces as they focus on the trail ahead

Tracking shot of participants as they navigate tight turns and obstacles

Close-up of participants' hands gripping handlebars and shifting gears

Overhead shot of participants riding through a technical downhill section

Action shot of participants jumping over obstacles or performing tricks

Panning shot of participants riding through a beautiful natural setting

Close-up of participants' muddy and exhausted faces after the race

Aerial shot of the starting and finish line, with a crowd of spectators cheering

Close-up of participants holding up a sign or banner promoting the nonprofit's mission Interviews with participants about their experience with the event and how it has helped them.


zendogsit OP t1_j52wi2v wrote

Amazing answer, thanks so much.

I can definitely appreciate the intersection between this incredibly empowering tool and someone having a really difficult time who might just want to be heard, a tricky thing to navigate, respect for being in that field.

What kinds of things are you required to keep in your contact notes?


iamawesome4 t1_j52x6vt wrote

Mainly a summary of what we were on, why they wanted to work on it, and the results, along with where I met them or if I transported them places. The way my company set up the app is kind of annoying though. You have to pick an activity that fits within what they want to work in and there are hundreds of activities. Sometimes I wish I could start typing what we worked on and then it would pull up the right activity.


Reddinaut t1_j52xhxe wrote

Yes, using it to help me code in swift/SwiftUI. It’s like having a 24/7 tutor. Now I don’t need to go onto stack overflow as much as I used to.


zendogsit OP t1_j52yl4y wrote

The company side is annoying to use! Classic.

I'm sure you already see the template prompt for notes of that style you could use

Just free associate to your phones mic, throw down all your thoughts post meeting and GPT orders it nicely for you. More time for presence! More time to focus on the client!


zendogsit OP t1_j52ysp4 wrote

Expanding our capacity for creativity.

I saw a guy make a biofeedback soundscape machine that monitored ECG and EEG and controlled sounds with that data - coded initially with GPT. WTFFFFF


iamawesome4 t1_j52yvpv wrote

I wish I could do that but I need the signature of the client before I leave. Sometimes it does get sent to corrections where you can correct it with a supervisor. Part of me wants to become one just so I can correct my own notes lol


warpedddd t1_j52z1xv wrote

It helped re-write my resume and cover letter.


InvisibleWrestler t1_j536ug6 wrote

Helped me a lot with Linux kernel assignments as I missed a couple of classes.


Frumpagumpus t1_j53b5ri wrote

one example is when i asked it to produce javascript that creates an html table, but uses the keys of a json object as table headers, it wrote some code that did all of that then stuck all the value in the first two columns. (still saved me some time anyway or, interestingly from having to use a library)

one funny thing is, with more well known languages like javascript, it seems like it never writes code that doesn't execute, it just doesn't seem to make syntax errors at all, if you asked me to write equivalent amounts i would write tons of syntax errors.

with less well known languages it makes up api calls.

it recognizes when you can use recursion to simplify things pretty well (e.g. in the json -> html table example it wrote a recursive solution), but i find goading it into doing like sub sub queries to be very difficult (for things like an sql query that joins a table to itself, select some columns, then accesses some json property, it would have difficulty doing all of that from my bad descriptions anyway)


Crit0r t1_j53bmch wrote

I'm a content manager for a small E-commerce business and I cut my working time by about 70%.

ChatGPT is writing nearly everything for me now and I just have to review it and put it online.

Really great


mgdandme t1_j53eykq wrote

How can you use it? It is Always busy anymore.


pre-DrChad t1_j53gjfp wrote

I’ve been using it to brainstorm ideas to solve any conflicts in my life.

Genuinely think chatGTP has higher social intelligence than me


Haplo_dk t1_j548c5k wrote

I used it mainly for Code and IT related help. Also for bedtime stories for my kids :)
After using ChatGPT, I signed up for, and are now using Githubs Copilot when coding.

Could you share the fodmap stuff?


CypherLH t1_j548i1p wrote

have used it for log and error code analysis. You can ask it to look for certain things in the logs/errors and then have a dialog about anything it spots, etc. A lot of times you can literally just paste in raw logs without any other context and it will point out the sorts of things that would have jumped out to me....but it does it instantly whereas I would have taken a few minutes minimum.


I have found that it can generate an initial reply to most support tickets that is usually on par with what I would have wrote, just requiring some tweaking.


I also had it generate technical documentation for a web app project where I just fed it the raw html and javascript. What it produced was rough but passable as a rough first draft.


zendogsit OP t1_j56ad49 wrote

Basically ‘make a weeks worth of meal pre for a fodmap diet; breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks’

I’m no expert but some of the foods it recommended initially may well have been higher in fodmap than ideal, could be worth getting it to spell out what the letters stand for, what foods are high in those things, then meal prep, then a check ‘are all those meals low fodmap?’


zendogsit OP t1_j56an7n wrote

Actually though. My mum has heaps of health stuff going on, getting it to help her generate questions based on common experiences has seemed very empowering for her

Can you give some examples?


pre-DrChad t1_j56dkcn wrote

Well for example I forgot my gfs birthday (more scared of her than a killer AGI tbh 😅) and I asked chatGpt what to do. It gave me tons of examples of things I can say, things I can do etc.

Ultimately it’s up to you to actually do it, but chatGPT can guide you in the right direction. It’s a great brainstorming tool.

I can’t wait for the day we have personalized AI assistants.


alexiuss t1_j56x58p wrote

I use it and other similar AI tools as editor, idea developer and writing partner that I bounce ideas of for my books which I illustrate using personal SD AI.

My wife uses GPT3 chat to write software as her programming partner.


CypherLH t1_j573pns wrote

Yep, you could set up intelligent monitoring/logging by feeding raw logs and SMNP feeds into chatGPT and having it provide like hourly or daily summaries or whatever. Of course this is probably not cost effective yet at present assuming chatGPT API costs are similar to GPT-3.


the-powl t1_j5g19e6 wrote

but doesn't it spit out bs often times? code that doesn't work, misinterprets your prompts or just invents functions that don't exist? Because that's my experience with ChatGPT