Submitted by Terminator857 t3_10npmx8 in singularity

Between ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot I think I spoke more to AIs this week than humans


Update: 1/30/23: Chat GPT surpasses instragram with 10 million daily users.


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tatleoat t1_j6a5o2p wrote

I bet 2024 everyone will have their own private AI and if I want to accomplish anything that requires me to get in contact with someone I instead tell my AI what I need, then my AI gets in touch with their AI and they figure as much out as they can without involving us. Then they report back with further questions or "you now have an appointment scheduled for around five pm"


Terminator857 OP t1_j6aab2t wrote

First dating site that gets this , wins.


pre-DrChad t1_j6ac1ya wrote

There was a dude who automated his Tinder using AI I think. Saw it on tiktok a while ago


throwaway_890i t1_j6com5p wrote

> "you now have an appointment scheduled for around five pm"

That's the evil corporate AI's that arrange meetings at 5pm.


PrivateLudo t1_j6b0xaa wrote

Yeah ngl once AI becomes good enough ill probably stick with AI partners. I will keep some of my close friend and family members that I care about but I dont need more than that. I just want a calm peaceful life :)


HumanSeeing t1_j6ec09k wrote

Some people be lucky. You say you have close friends and family members AND you want an intelligent AI to talk with? Jk lol.


ImoJenny t1_j6aekj4 wrote

Well I spend a lot of time on this subreddit so...


rixtil41 t1_j6akol0 wrote

Today's AI although impressive are still quite limiting . Once it can fix fact checking and make a 200,000 or more words story consistently and generate any type of content consistently I will quit soical media.


Terminator857 OP t1_j6aqcte wrote

Do you talk to goog ass(istant), alexa, etc...? How is the fact checking there? Doubt it will be too long before models are combined.


Hyp3rax t1_j6almy2 wrote

Depends on how hardware evolves since it requires a lot of complex calculations. I’d say 2030-2035.


ozzykiichichaosvalo t1_j6av8vc wrote

I agree hardware Takes à lot longer than expected, you'll never really be chatting to a sentient AI reliably at least not before 2055


Specialist-Pie8423 t1_j6bjygx wrote

This will be like Ray Kurzweil’s prediction that we will all be using speech to text by 2009. It will be possible but most people won’t be doing this, probably.


Ortus14 t1_j6bwabz wrote

If ChatGPT used a speech to text API like whisper, and used the latest text to speech API's, which sound like real people, I could see people talking to it like an assistant all day long.

Many people will still use it, but making it hands free makes it even more convenient and I could see even more people using it.


LandooooXTrvls t1_j6dlxmv wrote

Everyone, make sure to account for the hidden bot accounts on social media and the articles written by AI as well 🤗


FirstEbb2 t1_j6c8fqp wrote

As long as it can provide stable services, and the filter does not overly hurt the quality of its conversation (at this point, I would rather wait for the open source local running ai), I am already willing to spend a little time every day talking with it about philosophy and listening to some Like life advice taken from a self-help book.

As long as their servers are stable.


bodden3113 t1_j6e12s2 wrote

Y'all acting like we have all the time in the world to live, might as well jump on it now before you lose the chance. We've been talking to humans, animals, trees for generations. And now Y'all too fancy for a machine? 🤔


Iplaypoker77 t1_j6as1lf wrote

You aren't talking to an AI


Terminator857 OP t1_j6b3hor wrote

What is your definition of AI?


Iplaypoker77 t1_j6bh3cm wrote

More like what is my definition of talking. Typing to a chat bot isn't talking


Terminator857 OP t1_j6bltot wrote

Talking to Alexa, Google Assistant is. In China voice typing is much more common.


TheTomatoBoy9 t1_j6az5w5 wrote

Holy, that's just sad lmao


Terminator857 OP t1_j6f0mo4 wrote

Think of it as another communication tool like the telephone. Might be sad you are not talking in person, but telephone is better than nothing.


TheTomatoBoy9 t1_j6f2kih wrote

That would require you having no family, friends, or significant others lmao. That situation isn't the AI being a tool like a phone. A phone is a means to an end (talking to someone). The AI as a social replacement is the end directly.

This doesn't mean you can't use AI. But if you interact with it more than with humans, you failed at the most basic characteristic of being a human, which is being a social animal.

I'll be fine without that level of desperation, thank you very much. I'll leave the loneliness of having more interactions with AI to the social failures and people with mental deficiencies ahahah