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Ironhead501_ t1_j6c1433 wrote

I'm not in a tech field nor am I well versed in economics also I'm not optimistic about the altruism of mankind. That being said, why has no one in the thread ( as I've read so far) mentioned the problem isn't already being addressed now? By "problem " I mean excess population. I don't think it's a strain on the imagination to see how " the powers that be" might twist massurdrr into something they see as something good for humanity. Culling the herd... I don't agree... But to be fair, it might look differently if I were on the other side of the fence. Evil men dont think they're evil, there's always a way to justify evil acts " for the greater good. If that scenario is just too impossible to entertain, I'd very much like to know why.... I truly would. Another question that comes to me, (and please excuse my ignorance on the subject) as I understand it post singularity AGI will rapidly evolve to the point that we'd have no ability to control it..or even comprehend it.. That it would, very soon, be to us, as we are to ants.. and then continue to grow. Why would such a being care about our fate much less feel the need to "move " in order to dodge taxes? Taxes ? .. really? That's an option? I think more likely we should try and not get between it and any goal it may have. Seems out best hope is that it ignores us . If that's way off base, please let me know why. Reassurance would be welcome .. seriously