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randomguyofthefuture t1_j5rqvaz wrote

In the foreseeable future, animation is a good field but will evolve to holographic and VR (Virtual Reality) using AI. Humans will be the consumers of that art. Humans will be the consumers of everything, food, hard goods, information, entertainment, etc. If humans don't consume then AI will have no purpose. Like the genie in Aladdin's lamp, our wish will be its command. But, as they say, " be careful what you wish for".


Arcosim t1_j5skj6d wrote

How is animation a good option when Motion art AIs are the next step in generative AI technologies?


Saratustrah t1_j5tczyu wrote

Im not sure that thats what the other commenter meant, but animation directing will still be important. Generating and refining scenes and compositions to cater to a certain audience will probably be a valuable skill.