Submitted by ForesightInstitute t3_10h9574 in singularity

Science and Technology are rapidly unlocking unfathomable opportunities for our future. Much of our attention is focused on the threats to human existence. Little is focused on ideas about what to aim for instead. But we cannot create what we cannot imagine. Let’s map both risks and possibilities which lie before us in biotechnology, nanotechnology, neurotechnology, computing, AI, and space technologies.


Join our Existential Hope Day event in San Francisco on February 27th at the Institute, located at the top of the Salesforce Tower:



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Sashinii t1_j578glv wrote

I think the singularity will enable a reality better than any idea of utopia in 2030.

Also, I didn't know the Foresight Institute had a Reddit account. Hello to my favorite think tank.


sumane12 t1_j57df96 wrote


Anything else is an extinction event so fingers crossed 🤞


ImoJenny t1_j57f4hu wrote

It's a cryptofascist org. James C Bennett, one of the founders, is a columnist that promotes "anglo exceptionalism" (white supremacy)


sumane12 t1_j57mpeg wrote

Sorry I was just answering the question. I didn't read the rest of the post


ImoJenny t1_j57nfft wrote

No need to be sorry, I just wanted to give you a heads-up. It's a bit funny that they're in damage control mode downvoting my comments to oblivion.


vinayd t1_j5831ux wrote

I am unreservedly optimistic about what we are going to do in the next few decades.


pelathos t1_j584vfn wrote


Technology is a double edged sword. An amplifier. If we continue with this monetary market, infinite growth based death spiral? More tech and more advances tech will just amplify that.

What's needed is a revolution of thought. Away from these left/right, capitalist/communist dualities and into heterodox thinking around wtf can we do to make life better for all people and all animals and the environment itself.

But of course that's easier said than done. Most people are stupid and their heads are full ideas that are no longer relevant.

So, on the surface, with some clever "economics" and official-looking stats and graphs, it looks like progress. But if you ask individual people, at the social level? It'll just get tougher and tougher to be alive. And even then, some people are so lost that they actually believe in their own indoctrination, which will skew the results of course.

I imagine life was easier before civilization. At a time when we lived as hunter gatherers. Short lives, yes. But simple nonetheless. Easy to understand. We were mere animals but it worked fine. Most deaths, as far as I know, were due to nature. Today? People routinely die due to inadequasies of the system.

Think about medicine for example. It's the third leading cause of death. Think about that for a minute! Iatrogenic effects are hugely underestimated! And don't get me started on psychiatry. Ok, you got me started, let me just mention this: it seems to be the case that many of the popular "medicines" or drugs for common so-called mental illnesses (which are in 90% of cases normal human responses to whatever fucked up environments people find themselves in), actually cause the very diseases they are purported to correct. How fucked up is thst? And how is this even possible? Easy: $$$!

Basically, more stuff = more stuff that can go wrong (and it will, at least for a while).

However, there is the possibility of a post scarcity system. A global system of cooperation. Where science and technology is used to enhance life and protect the environment.

But if that's to happen, we need to move away from this hyper individualistic, self centered model of Western Capitalism / monetary market system.

We need a new kind of religion, or something akin to it. One that combines the best elements of Western enlightenment ideas and Eastern philosophy. Science and soul, equally. Balance. Heterodox thinking. Minimal games. Honesty. This is new to most people. It's hard work to live like that. Especially in a world so saturated with artificiality and vanity.

The biggest hurdle is the money game. That shit has to go.... Somehow...

I'd suggest people look into alternative systems. New ideas. Some have been thinking along these lines already (Jacque Fresco, Bucky Fuller etc.) , but we desperately need more.


Smellz_Of_Elderberry t1_j5dqici wrote

It's why some people say "culture is everything". A technological revolution without a cultural/thought based revolution, will simply lead to all of the problems we have today growing exponentially. Think privacy concerns worsening by leaps and bounds.. (we know what you are thinking and remove the "threat to our cultural norms" before it becomes a threat). Think about how having a fundamentally greater understanding of how the mind works will lead to innovation in the control of people's thoughts.. The possible way things can "and probably will" go wrong is staggering when you really stop and think. I think many will come to be.. Even groups which supposedly are designed to combat such a future are simply bringing it into existence.. Look at open ai, it was supposed to be an open source group that worked with the community to come up with solutions to the problems ai would create. Now? It's a walled garden, with billions coming in from mega corps, with ever increasing ideological censorship baked into its products.. I personally think things will get unimaginably bad, and then unimaginably good.. But it could just as easily go unimaginably bad and stay that way.

Idk if I agree with removing money.. as you won't be removing barter or all forms of power.. power exists regardless of money. Do you have a higher iq? A more attractive face? Are you able to imagine stories in your minds eye with clarity? Then you have some form of capital that makes you more wealthy than those who don't. Would we make kindness something that can only be doled out in equal measure? If one parent loves their child more than another, is it good to remove the loving parent simply because you're unable to find a parent to love the other equally as much? Hyperbole, but you get my point. Money is as bad as the person spending it, and the people accepting it. Outside of creating simulated worlds, it's impossible to give everyone true equality.


pelathos t1_j5hkbui wrote

The idea of removing money is a radical thought, but I'm not advocating utopia or equality of outcome.

There will always be people who are more attractive, more talented in certain areas and so on. Hierarchies aren't inherently evil.

What I advocate is investigation into the idea of making the basics available to people. Food. Shelter. Health care. Automation. A sharing economy, where most items wil be rented for free in a library. You can rent it for however long you see fit. Certain items can be personal and kept forever in some cases. 3d printing facilities available for everyone. Emphasis on reuse of products.

Its difficult to imagine such a society, but we need to consider these options. It may be possible.

If you throw away the need for economic growth and therefore cyclical consumption, you automatically get vastly better products because planned obsolescence is no longer needed to maintain profit. Instead of products cheaply made thst break down, you get modular, upgradable products that might last an order of magnitude longer. As a result of thst, you get lower demand, which saves the environment too.

The end of hustle culture. The end of celebrity culture. The end of a large amount of artificiality. Not to mention, an end to most wars (which are mostly based on resource/territorial scarcity as far as I understand).


Smellz_Of_Elderberry t1_j5hro22 wrote

I need to learn a LOT more before I either support or condemn what you're saying. I'll give it some thought going and give the two people you recommended a listen. :)

I certainly look forward to an end to hustle culture, I hate my job and would very much prefer if I didn't have to do it any longer. Carpentry apparently used to be a fun profession, now it's just rush rush rush, so you can maybe end up with a smidgen of profit at the end of a project. No focus on creating a truly unique and quality piece of work.. just something good enough, so you can make some profit in the margins.

Everything is like this now, efficiency is everything, and it's soul killing.


pelathos t1_j5hy1aw wrote

Mm. Money seems to hinder creativity indeed. And it's a very small group of people whose passion happens to be there job ad well.

Do give them a listen. The late Jacque Fresco was a modern Davinci!


AldrichRW t1_j59p03b wrote

Your comment resonated with me. Well said friend 👍


leroy_hoffenfeffer t1_j57k7rk wrote

Technology is inherently controlled by entities that don't have average citizens best interest at heart.

So, mostly grim, unless some serious reform / revolution occurs that pries technology away from said entities.


Saerain t1_j592ds9 wrote

This seems to conflict with history, to put it mildly, doesn't it? Liberation of average people seems like the overriding feature of technological progress. It's practically been the primary force counteracting most efforts at oppression.

Did the entities change very recently?


LyubomirIko t1_j589ruy wrote

“Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.”

Frank Herbert, Dune


sizm0 t1_j59lfzd wrote

No one can control ASI.


LyubomirIko t1_j59n65a wrote

Well in Dune universe they destroyed it.

JIHAD, BUTLERIAN: (see also Great Revolt) — the crusade against computers, thinking machines, and conscious robots begun in 201 B.G. and concluded in 108 B.G. Its chief commandment remains in the O.C. Bible as "Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind."


Head_Juggernaut_6429 t1_j5as4ae wrote

Hey man, just want you to know, you are not the only one who still believes in humans.

Humans can only rely on humans to save human's problems, not machines.


Ashamed-Asparagus-93 t1_j5hjr8v wrote

What about cyborgs? I'm telling ya they always forget about the cybernetics


Head_Juggernaut_6429 t1_j5jym9r wrote

Happiness doesn't pair well with power, only balance does. I don't get why people keep chasing power, building powerful tools just because they can when it clearly shows that power doesn't give them a loving, happy and healthy life. People in the modern day era are living a convenient yet boring and depressive life, when cyborgs come, nothing will ever change, power will keep scaling up and most power belongs the minority who control it.


Baturinsky t1_j57d8aa wrote

Mostly grim, as it would require a colossal effort to not screw up everything forever.

On the other hand, if done right (and it IS possible), we indeed will get our utopia, but at two huge caveats.

First, homo sapiens will have little grand purpose other than self gratification, because AI will be able to do everything better.

Second, singularity will discover not just useful stuff, but SCP worth of horrors, and there will always be non-zero chance of their realisation without the very draconic control of advanced tech.

So, even our utopia will have the taste of futility and fear. Maybe we will just decide to reset the humanity, hidng all the tech, and letting new generations to relieve new cycle of history with the ense of purpose. Maybe it was already done.


ImoJenny t1_j57bw6r wrote

James C Bennett, one of the founders of this org is a somewhat prominent fascist. Can we not.


Sashinii t1_j57g7lh wrote

The Foresight Institute is the most inclusive and forward-thinking company that I know of, and while I can't say that I'm a fan of everyone who's ever been a speaker or an employee of the company, I've never seen anyone there support fascism.


ImoJenny t1_j57ihyq wrote


"Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?" yeah ooookay, sure, buddy


Sashinii t1_j57kuad wrote

I need more evidence than a stupid comment he made in 2006 before I'd called him a "fascist", but even if he sucks, that nonsense isn't what the Foresight Institute supports.

Also, there's no need to be rude. You seem defensive and stressed. I recommend watching a wholesome slice of life anime like Yuru Camp to brighten your day.


ImoJenny t1_j57n6ck wrote

Lol, "I need more evidence than--" You showed up just to shill for a cryptofascist organization. I don't expect you to be convinced, but it's cute that you think you understand online discourse.


Sashinii t1_j57nuqi wrote

I don't support crypto shit and I hate fascism (it's crazy that someone has to say that, it should just be a given to anyone who isn't a fool, but there you go).


Saerain t1_j590fmk wrote

To clarify, when people of this ilk say "cryptofascist," they're not saying anything about cryptocurrencies or blockchain tech, but are rather saying "secretly fascist."


ImoJenny t1_j57oh28 wrote

Lol, that's literally what you're doing right now, but wild that you have the audacity to lie so blatantly.


adam_dorr t1_j583e27 wrote

> Little is focused on ideas about what to aim for instead.

Adam here from RethinkX. Agreed, there is far too much catastrophism and general doom-and-gloom, especially around climate change. What’s been sorely missing is a clear explanation for how new technology offers concrete solutions and a real path forward to a brighter future. This is a large part of what my team at RethinkX focuses on. It’s also (sorry for the shameless plug) the focus of my new book, Brighter: Optimism, Progress, and the Future of Environmentalism.


sqrrl22 t1_j57kfkk wrote

I bet my minidisc recorder plus my collection of colorful minidiscs on that there will be a bright future of humanity-saving technology but greedy capitalism will fuck it all up.


jamesj t1_j58hljf wrote

One or the other, to the extreme.


Inevitable_Snow_8240 t1_j590ne9 wrote

The only thing I care about is immortality. It’s all I’m pinning my hope upon.


No_Ninja3309_NoNoYes t1_j596cqp wrote

For English speaking countries or everyone? I think for all the insiders the future will be great. For the rest of us, we can only hope to get decent VR animes. Btw I don't mind that people feel superior. It's just that I question whether it's always warranted.


Redditing-Dutchman t1_j59xwt2 wrote

It's really difficult to say. I can look forward 20 years and have a grim outlook, but in the long run (100 years in the future) it can be hopeful again. Or opposite. And it also depends on where you live. Some countries will have little trouble implementing some form of UBI, while others will not even think about such things.


RossPeili t1_j59ydlz wrote

If we are ready to leave the physical part of what currently makes up a human intellect then yes it will be bright. But I think, based on what I see on the social layer that most humans are not ready to leave physical reality behind. They can't even conceive the parallelism with an alternative server. They will choose to remain physical humans for as long as possible.


Head_Juggernaut_6429 t1_j5arevd wrote


I think humans are not moral, powerful and responsible enough to handle powerful technologies. When nuclear weapons came out, everyone freaked out because we all seem to aware that if the technology went into the wrong hand, it would be disastrous for humanity. Alot of powerful tools are being used wrongly by humans. For example: vehicles, the internet and soon atificial intelligence. Vehicles are powerful walker, they walk for human, but as they walk for us, the need for us to be physical is also cut short, that's why alot of people living in first-world countries aren't as healthy as they are supposed to be. AI is a powerful thinker, they will replace human's thinking, not enrich our imagination as many has thought.


Jalen_1227 t1_j5beayw wrote

What’s up with questions like this ? Why are humans only able to think in terms of black and white. Obviously with super intelligence, you’ll be able to make all sorts of technology, some good, some bad, some super good, and some super fucking bad. The whole spectrum will be there just like it always has since the beginning of time