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Idiot_Savant_Tinker t1_j6sb1ds wrote

And it's been cloudy for a week where I live, boo.


DoogleSmile t1_j6t7syc wrote

Same here, can barely see the Moon!

Though my mum's friend's ring doorbell caught a glimpse of it last night.

I'm going to set up a camera tonight to see if the clouds part enough to see anything.


Idiot_Savant_Tinker t1_j6tiv3f wrote

I've got a brand new pair of 12x50 binoculars and I've been itching to use them for something like this... they aren't as good as a real telescope but I want to see how they do anyway.


destraight t1_j6unobt wrote

It's clear sky's in Michigan tonight, but I don't see it. What gives?


bad_syntax t1_j6tm79b wrote

Even if it was clear here, I literally can't go outside.

Everything is just sheet ice. If I took ONE step outside, I'd slide right into my pool, which is 37, and I couldn't get out of it because of the ice. I'd freeze to death. But maybe, just maybe, I could look up and see this?

Naah, I'll wait for some astronomer in Hawaii to take me some pics. Not risking it.


bad_syntax t1_j6u4gpu wrote

People voting me down, which is funny.

I went outside, back yard. I have maybe 10' to my pool. Once I left the cover of my house, solid ice, smooth as glass, all the way to the water. I had to follow the small area without ice along the side of my house to get any traction at all.

I then went out the front, where I have a large driveway for my 2+1 car garages. Its flat in the immediate area, again, solid ice, you can kick a small piece of ice across 30' of driveway with almost no effort. Take any step more than a few inches, you fall. I was able to get to the grass, which has a sheet of ice on the top but I could punch through. Walked down to my mailbox to see how the road was. Some slush in the gutter, but again, solid ice, everywhere. If not for the grass, I would have 0 chance of making it down my minor slope into the road, and 0 chance making it back up. I'm 100% positive that I could get my car out, and into the road, about 60% sure I wouldn't go into the neighbors fence, and 0% sure I could get it back up into the driveway.

Here is a pic:

None of that you see is snow, its all ice. Solid on the hard areas, a sheet across the grass. Up to about 1" thick on flat areas where it accumulated.

HOWEVER, I do have a remote controlled Zubr Hovercraft, and it is about to go have some fun.


CrevorTarmont t1_j6vreji wrote

Last time this came around, Thag and Gorgo were painting on cave walls.