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SpearOfNeptune t1_jacylbp wrote

Highspeed Internet for the whole World which only People in first World Countries can afford 🤣💀


Adeldor t1_jacz7ro wrote

Nonsense. Rural villages have a single connection, which they share through local wifi.


SpearOfNeptune t1_jad0wh1 wrote

Oh sure, you mean in Countries where People are lucky if they earn more than 500.-? They for sure have 600.- for the Starter Kit and the 110.- per Month to waste even as a Community 💀


Adeldor t1_jad1laz wrote

Can you suggest a better alternative for them, or provide one? One that works on mountains, in deserts, at the poles, in jungles, on oceans, in aircraft, etc.?


DefinitelyNotSnek t1_jad2rtr wrote

They don't charge the same prices everywhere, they will charge whatever each regional market will bear.

For example in Mexico it costs 1,100 pesos per month which is ~$60 USD.


dbx999 t1_jaf4nr1 wrote

If you want a maritime subscription (to use on a ship), that's like $5,000/mo