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O5-20 t1_j8z1xwo wrote

Just for context, getting to the nearest solar system takes 4 years if you travel at the speed of light (186,000 m/s) and crossing the galaxy will take ~100,000 years. From then on, it’s millions of years to the next major galaxy.

Iirc we haven’t even reached 1% of light speed. So unless a revolution happens very soon, I don’t think intergalactic war is in the cards


Rawtothedawg t1_j8z2evr wrote

I just realized what your argument is - i misspoke. I meant interplanetary warfare


O5-20 t1_j8z2ox7 wrote

Oh ok, gotcha.

But I’m not arguing if the war will happen I’m arguing that it is good for progress if it does.