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aramil2001 t1_ja9xdgy wrote

Assuming that the company could somehow remove the radiation in the items that they remove they could potentially salvage the materials and get their money back that way


TiggerTheMad t1_jaa1nfk wrote

What radiation? Are you thinking RTGs? I don't think they are typically used in things that are going to eventually de-orbit, it seems like a really bad idea. Unless you are orbiting some uranium enrichment plants, there isn't going to be radiation to remove.

Bombarded by cosmic rays != radioactive


aramil2001 t1_jaa3ct0 wrote

Well some quick googling shows I was incorrect they stopped sending RTGs in the 80s so the majority of the cost is getting crews up there. I’d think if it was satellite removal there’d be enough gold and valuable materials to make a profit


Pharisaeus t1_jac476e wrote

> I’d think if it was satellite removal there’d be enough gold and valuable materials to make a profit

What? No! Not even remotely close. There is no "gold" other then maybe tiny amount in eletronics. I'm not sure what you think satellites are made of, but it's essentially like trying to recover "materials" from your old car, old refrigerator, old PC or old mobile phone. Completely unprofitable even when you have those things readily available on the ground.