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Best_Ad9376 t1_ja6zqk1 wrote

Very cool. I always wonder how big one of those spots are. Is it like a country or rather a city?


EduardoVrd OP t1_ja7pl73 wrote

Just imagine, Tycho is the most popular crater on moon's surface and it's 85 kilometers wide. Also another redditor posted this...


peppersrus t1_ja718bp wrote

It depends which ones you mean. The big ones? Like countries. The small ones? Like cities


Best_Ad9376 t1_ja7edas wrote

Yeah, I meant the smaller ones. That’s really cool!


Ethric_The_Mad t1_ja6xv1o wrote

Is the southern hemisphere like, the ass? Is this the moon's ass?


Tanduvanwinkle t1_ja7423k wrote

Sorry, could you perhaps reword that in such a way that it made more sense?


Dapperdanmun t1_ja77609 wrote

It’s just floating on space time like it’s nothing


Alvazhar t1_ja6xfdv wrote

It’s kinda nuts how far we’ve come technology wise since we were last up there. Can’t wait for Artemis


tom04cz t1_ja7r29c wrote

Really weird to realise that you are staring at an enormous object in space everytine for me


Fancy_Female t1_ja7toh3 wrote

I don't understand. Why don't we just nuke the damn moon? Problem solved.


myaccc t1_ja8af02 wrote

Very nice. What gear and settings did you use?


EduardoVrd OP t1_ja8bl81 wrote

Canon T6+102mm telescope. 1/200 ISO200


brinkase t1_ja9371b wrote

Does this directly correlate to normal lens? What aperture does the telescope have? Must be pretty low if 1/200 ISO200 is sufficient.

Would I get similar results with my Canon 70-200mm 2.8?


EduardoVrd OP t1_ja94vuo wrote

The aperture of the telescope is 102mm which means i have 1000mm to reach objects in the sky. I shot the moon at 6pm while the sun was still high in the sky, that's why I used 1/200. I have a 75-300mm lens, and shooting at 300mm doesn't let you come close to the moon so i am not sure if you can have a nice photo of the moon with 200mm, BUT... you can use those 2.8 to do deep sky photography


Hopepersonified t1_ja8x5io wrote

One day, maybe in my lifetime but I doubt it, we'll take these pics and see twinkling lights looking back at us.


MyCleverNewName t1_ja92t0c wrote

🎢...and if the post you're in starts singing different tunes, I'll see you on the left-side of the moon!🎢


PilotAbilen3 t1_ja96i31 wrote

Legend says Ed Harris is still up there waiting for Truman


SubLordHawk t1_ja9jdt5 wrote

Upside down Moon! The endtimes have come!