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INTJstoner t1_j719cfu wrote

China, Russia and US&A about the get fined, alot!


toothpastetitties t1_j727zus wrote

China and India most likely. China is building coal plants like crazy.

USA is trying to pave their way for nuclear energy.

Canada is still waiting for unicorn fart energy to happen.


Jaggedmallard26 t1_j72biae wrote

China is the only country actually successfully building new nuclear plants. They're just industrialising so fast even that isn't fast enough. Literally the only country that doesn't take 20 years to build a nuclear plant still can't build them fast enough.


ferrel_hadley t1_j71soti wrote

Russia does collect significant money from carbon credits.

This would not be all that great for verification in the west where we can easily just sit outside a factory with actual instruments. Its design is more for wider biosphere monitoring as sinks and sources are a huge huge variable in climate predictions. In terms of gross national emissions we can kind of work out out for measuring "air masses" and existing monitoring facilities.

I am really not sure anyone is burning enough coal or making enough cement to be climate relevant and not being obvious to anyone who cares.

I am not really all that blow away by the tone of the article. The biosphere is where most of the big research from this will be done.