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triffid_hunter t1_ja8vrvq wrote

The universe isn't here for us, we're just a byproduct of it searching for better ways to increase entropy - which life is quite excellent at, since the whole concept of life is that it actively seeks out available energy gradients to ride, and cracks stored energy out of local minima.

That there's unimaginable mountains of available energy out there for us to do something interesting with is nice for us and nice for the universe - but it really doesn't care if we're the ones to go get it, or if it eventually burns some other way.

I want to have a nice time, so I definitely think we should go out there and grab it - but I also think we should do the most interesting things possible with it rather than squandering it, and if ever we find anyone else out there helping the universe with its goal of increasing entropy and being interesting, hopefully we can increase how complex society is in association with them rather than do something stupid and wasteful.

And fwiw, damaging our ability to increase entropy by riding the energy gradients on this planet too hard before we get sustainable space colonies going is definitely under the banner of 'stupid and wasteful' in my book - but at the same time we shouldn't be so careful that those space colonies and further leveraging of energy gradients available elsewhere never happen.

It would be wonderful if we can restore the environment here to a more pristine state for our species' psychological health, but the universe doesn't care about that - that's all on us.