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Maldikons t1_j9lmh51 wrote

Musk's shenanigans with Starlink/Ukraine has kinda sucked out all excitiment about SpaceX.


SanDiegoSolarGuy t1_j9lvhnm wrote

That didn’t take long to show up


Washout22 t1_j9m5z65 wrote

People can't deal with 2 different thoughts.

I read post today about how tesla is a giant scam and is going to be the next Enron.

Like, what about all the stuff they make. It's not bad accounting. Lol


Bensemus t1_j9r9y3f wrote

It's not even two thoughts. They can't think at all when Musk is involved. SpaceX never turned off Starlink for Ukraine. They restricted Ukraine's ability to use Starlink terminals in the guidance systems of suicide drones. Regular internet access was never affected.


Washout22 t1_j9ractp wrote


Same people forget that the USA promised never to expand nato to the Russian border under bush Sr.

Not that I support the Russian invasion, but this isn't exactly surprising.

Not like the USA didn't invade Iraq. Not that it's the same situation.

How dare a guy not want to encourage war.


sixpackabs592 t1_j9ls6x1 wrote

i get it but they specifically gave it to them for communications and humanitarian aid and they used it for their bomb drones, they still have it for coms as far as i can see they just did something to stop the drone control over starlink


rocketsocks t1_j9lzpe6 wrote

That's not the only shenanigans, that's just one example.


OlympusMons94 t1_j9nbq1w wrote

Which shenanigans?

Following US export laws?

Wanting to be paid for services rendered?

Not servicing enemy-occupied territories?

Not being able to instantly keep up with rapid advances and the fog of war to add service to recently-deoccupied territories?

Or just Musk's naive and ignorant tweets about Crimea and referendums that have no more bearing on Starlink or anything else in the real world than him challenging Putin to a duel?


Draemeth t1_j9myzoe wrote

Just wait till you hear about what people have done with GPS!


Bensemus t1_j9rads6 wrote

The other one where ~2k dishes experience a temporary outage was due to a billing issue between Ukraine, the UK, and SpaceX. That issue was quickly resolved and those dishes were active again. That was 2k out of about 25k.

Or the issue where during an offence Ukraine lost comms through Starlink. that was due to them outrunning it. SpaceX is only activating Starlink in areas Ukraine is operating in. Makes sense SpaceX wouldn't have access to classified military operations so they were slower to act than Ukraine was advancing. That was also quickly fixed as SpaceX activated more cells.


bookers555 t1_j9mgf9q wrote

When Musk says something about SpaceX everyone hurries to remind everyone that Musk isn't SpaceX. When SpaceX says something, people complain because of some unrelated Musk thing.

Make up your mind already, r/space.


Bensemus t1_j9rajj0 wrote

It's not just r/space. It's all of reddit whenever Musk is mentioned. He's the source of everything wrong with his companies and never involved with what goes right.

With Twitter it's actually probably accurate but not for SpaceX or Tesla.


SadMacaroon9897 t1_j9n7m8r wrote

Schrodinger's Starlink: simultaneously a buggy POS that's much too expensive and fails if you look at it meanly...but also a robust communications network that is saving Ukraine and should be nationalized because Musk might turn it off.


Emble12 t1_j9na6bc wrote

You mean when Ukrainian soldiers broke the user agreement of Starlink by using it to guide bombs instead of communication?


dreamingwell t1_j9m2vnu wrote

Not totally defending SpaceX, but they have to consider what happens if Russia declares open fire their satellites. It would be complete devastation for the company and all of Humanity. So SpaceX has to drawn the line somewhere.


dirtydrew26 t1_j9mys1l wrote

Russia doesnt have the means to destroy a satellite constellation. They barely have enough guided missiles to shoot at Ukrainian civilians, let alone high precision missiles for sat kills, which they would need literal hundreds of.


DBDude t1_j9qn3xw wrote

They do have to worry about the US government. "You can export restricted satellite technology for communications" is not the same permission as "You can export restricted satellite technology to guide bombs." Dual-use tech is a fun area of ITAR regulations.


Draemeth t1_j9mz6rt wrote

It’s easier to consistently hit satellites than people, actually. Satellites have a fixed trajectory, a public location and can’t exactly hide. People are small, annoying, constantly moving, intelligent, underground, hidden, etc. I’d bet Russia could easily take out satellites, but so could a lot of countries


Anderopolis t1_j9qx7yw wrote

You are seriously overestimating the number of Russian ASAT ca0able missiles.