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CapoKakadan t1_j88l9k1 wrote

Seriously, why do you need the vertical stack? We have two eyes horizontally set. Not four. Why do we need to see two earths when our eyes cross?


hldsnfrgr t1_j88nkrh wrote

I was wondering about that too. I guess we're supposed to merge the top and bottom too.


EmergeHolographic OP t1_j89jq5z wrote

You can rotate the image to merge top and bottom, however this experience isn't ideal. For simplicity you can just merge the top or bottom two without worrying about the vertical axis


ururualeksi t1_j88tque wrote

It’s two variants for the two ways to see this depth illusion. For people who focus closer than their screen is (the top pair), and for those focusing farther, looking through the screen (the bottom pair)


EmergeHolographic OP t1_j89kan0 wrote

Some people don't cross their eyes but instead split or diverge them. This means the cross-eye image would be depth-inverted, where the depth of the Earth appears concave while the moon appears to be behind the depth distance of the Earth.

Basically, if you look at the top row while diverging eyes or the bottom row while converging eyes you will always see an inverse depth map.