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EmergeHolographic OP t1_j8ehn2d wrote

Aww thank you! 😍 I really appreciate the positive feedback! I get a lot of pushback for calling some of my work stereoscopic, even though to me that's just a description of the medium

>When I first saw this I was wondering how you had generated the left and right images and thought you may have been using images captured at different times to simulate the lateral separation.

Yes! So glad people get it. There's something really magical about watching the world this way. I mentioned doing this with the ISS, however there's more macro footage of the whole globe rotating that this can be accomplished with, and it's amazing because this creates an illusion of depth to the sun's reflection off the Earth, which I did not expect. Vision is so cool.

I'm curious, as I discovered how to do this using self-teachings, are you familiar with a name for this technique? I've been referring to it as motion parallax but I'm not sure if that's entirely correct when making a stereograph out of two different frames in time.

Thanks again for your feedback!