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CommentToBeDeleted t1_j9nh11x wrote


In fact we already know this to be true. Our satellites experience time at a different rate than we do on earth and for that reason we must account for it when making calculations.

Your head and get agree differently too just due to their proximity to the earth.

Generally these things are so miniscule we will never be able to perceive them.


Siliskk t1_j9nha56 wrote

What about the fictional planet from interstellar, where 1 hour is 7 earth years on the planet? If thats possible, i see no reason to not believe that there are planets experiencing many years in the matter of a short time for us


Ape_Togetha_Strong t1_j9nrass wrote

> i see no reason to not believe that there are planets experiencing many years in the matter of a short time for us

Well, one good reason is "time dilation doesn't work like that". You can't have negative velocity or negative mass, so nowhere in the universe is significantly faster than on Earth.


Know0neSpecial t1_j9nlem5 wrote

This could be the case.. however any civilization that does this puts themselves at risk of being inferior to the civilization that 'had more time' to develop superior technology while they were in proximity to the gravity well
