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You_Yew_Ewe t1_j8lycng wrote

What country do you live in?


I live in the U.S.

I live in a "high crime" neighborhood in the U.S. in fact.


I have travelled to third world countries where a *lot* more crime happens. And even there people don't just "let crime happen", there are laws and police and it's still a lot more functional than very few places that actually have no functional police force (Haiti is an example right now.)

And even compared to them my high crime neighborhood is highly ordered. Have you traveled much? Because if you live in a first world country and you think it is lawless, and people just let crime happen, you are in for a real shock at how bad things can get. If you live anywhere at U.S. levels of crime or better, you have it really good.


Atypicalicious t1_j8lzl9e wrote

You prove my point: it’s bad out there. I also live in a high crime area. Police don’t bother. I’m from Southside Chicago and saw whole project buildings be gang territory. And I’ve travelled quite a lot. I’m really sick of restating basic facts.


johnnyblackhall t1_j8lyejn wrote

That's because poverty is widespread, the police is either corrupt or has it's hands tied because of our weak modern sensibilities or both. Be ruthless towards corruption and be harder on crime. Inspire fear in the hearts of those who would break the law while simultaneously reducing poverty through job creation, education and social services. The Singapore model essentially. Problem will be massively reduced. Same goes for space