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tom_tencats t1_j9kr44u wrote

There is tremendous difference between colonizing another terrestrial continent and colonizing space.


Crazed_Archivist t1_j9ksv4g wrote

There's also 500 years of development between us and the Europeans that got to America

Have faith in humanity


PandaEven3982 t1_j9kvfub wrote

Technology development yes. Social development? Take a good hard look around. I have faith in the tech and the science. I have no faith in the human component. We haven't kept pace with our technical development.


Just consider. There are about 2500 billionaires in the world. About 1 million millionaires. And then there 9 billion of the rest of us. Does this seem sensible to you from the macro perspective? Is this a sensible allocation of human wealth?


Crazed_Archivist t1_j9kvvyd wrote

You think that the western world, you know, the ones leading the space race Departament, didn't evolve socially that much in comparison to when... check notes... we had the inquisition; absolute monarchy; no worker laws; no freedom of speech; no human rights; the entire industry of human slavery; propertied woman; etc etc etc


PandaEven3982 t1_j9ky9nl wrote

And now we have the manosphere, religious political conflict in America, misogyny across the world, political torture, scientology, rednecks. Brexits...

Go away LoL. We have plenty of atrocity today. I'm a 61-year-old man, and the idea of you telling me that we're much more civilized now is just whistling in the effing dark. We still do bread and circuses, and that was coined in Roman times. Stop making me laugh, it hurts too much. Sheesh.


Crazed_Archivist t1_j9kyp3j wrote

  1. Manosphere - Still better than when woman couldn't vote, or have jobs, or go on the street alone.

  2. Religious political conflict - Remember when towns used to hang witches? Me neither, that happened 300 years before I was born.

  3. Political torture - Rare in western societies, in comparison to the medieval shit we had

None of what you say comes then close to how bad shit were lol


PandaEven3982 t1_j9l0rwz wrote

Okay. You're saying what we have is good enough to take into space. I think you're insane, but it's your life. Um, your number 3 is really really inaccurate. You just don't hear about it in western society as much. Because we're supposed to be above it. Don't believe all you don't get to hear.

Also, the manosphere is actually worse. Go snd actually look at whats being said out there. Think Nazis and dehumanization. There's a reason this is the loneliest generation ever. For instance, the mild thing I saw today was "women shouldn't go on dates if they aren't expecting to have sex." That was mild. Take s look i to that piece of the Internet snd tell me we're ready for the cold equations. :-)


Crazed_Archivist t1_j9l0zyf wrote


The current state of society is worse for woman than what was 400 years ago because of a minority of losers that like Andrew Tate and never leave their basements?

Your are delusional


PandaEven3982 t1_j9l4iba wrote

Yeah. I'm really not. You're the captain of the titanic, looking at the very tip of the iceberg, never seeing the size of the thing. Go look up the estimate sizes of the market women and children being trafficed. It's an industry. A rather large one. Do you think the cops do a good job at ferreting this stuff out? You sir, are the delusional one. GO FORTH AND ACTUALLY LOOK. Try it for real. Or stay deluded.

Edit:' being discussed in r/futurology rught now, in fact.