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purchankruly t1_j97pc6j wrote

Imagine your night view on your small planet in the tail.


Ok-Expression7533 t1_j982q4a wrote

Dude looking up into the night sky and, instead of seeing an arm, seeing your entire ass galaxy?? so damn cool


kipperforskipper t1_j99adgx wrote

Until you're reminded of the fact that your planet might never rejoin the galaxy which keeps pushing further away from the stranded tail.


Super_Automatic t1_j9bfeiy wrote

How is this bad? Once life has already formed, there is no evidence that belonging to a galaxy is of any use.

It may in fact be advantageous to be in the an area of reduced density, as there is a reduced probability of 'debris'. It is noted in fact, that our own sun travels in a way which oscillates above and below the galactic plane, and that we are currently above the galactic plane, which may explain why we have not experienced outsized meteor events.


Nethyishere t1_j9d5lco wrote

Until your race needs to leave and move on to new worlds, and you realize that for your race to continue to new worlds you'll have to chase your galaxy down.

Still sounds badass but no doubt stressful to appreciate the scope of.


Weazy-N420 t1_j99r57j wrote

Or one of those close Galactic neighbors. Could you imagine seeing the whole “Great Spermatozoa” dance across your sky every night or at least seasonally?


purchankruly t1_j9a3mm5 wrote

Astral aphrodisiacs to the Gleepgorp peoples who live on that planet.