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Vetiversailles t1_j9dbzps wrote

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


[deleted] t1_j9dqhjy wrote

Space is everything. Space is our home. Our universe is our home. Our universe made us and is us. Our consciousness is a gift, it’s a byproduct of the universe. Its the universe awakening through itself. And if you think you’re smart, then how smart is the universe that made you? I would guess infinitely smarter. I believe there exists an intelligence that’s beyond our capabilities of understanding. An intelligence that can’t be put into words because we are only human. But i believe in its own way, space is alive. Space is the God. And yet we worry about trivial mundane things in our everyday lives all the while we exist in a seemingly infinite space. Its amazing. But never forget, we are one with it, and when we die, I believe we return back into it and become truly one with it again. We are space and we are all one.


BackwoodsRoller t1_j9dsad7 wrote

I feel the same way but could never express it so eloquently. I am God.


[deleted] t1_j9dskmw wrote

thanks man, and yes you are ☺️. we are eternal.


weathercat4 t1_j9dmjun wrote

For real space is crazy.

You are stardust. The stuff your body is made from was forged in the hearts of stars and in cataclysmic collisions and explosions that rang the very fabric of spacetime billions of years ago.

And somehow, you, this aggregation of star dust, looks out at the very cosmos we were born from and asks "why?".


[deleted] t1_j9doi2a wrote

or how about the idea of infinity. No end or no beginning to anything. Universe born, universes die, and it just goes on forever, and yet it never even began in the first place, it just always was.


weathercat4 t1_j9domhm wrote

I think Conformal Cyclic Cosmology is a fun idea.


[deleted] t1_j9doqt6 wrote

when u really meditate and think about it, its totally mind blowing, that there never was a beginning.