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Kilharae t1_j7vfhfk wrote

You should probably look into this more, because there are indeed different types of infinities, and some are larger than others. For instance, there are more numbers between 0 and 1 than there are integers going to infinity. I wasn't talking about finite space, I was talking about one infinity of variation, vs. another infinity of size. What I'm suggesting is that the infinity of variation is larger than the infinity of size. So even with infinite space, there may be infinitely more types of universes to fill that space than there is space itself. watch this video if you're curious to learn more.


jaibhavaya t1_j7vixdj wrote

The difference in cardinality of infinities is certainly true, but also doesn’t change the fact that they are still infinities.

Take the example you brought up.

For ever single integer, there are an infinite amount of numbers between it and the previous integer. If you’re talking about traversing the numbers 0->1 in finite time, then of course you can find that you’ll never get to 1. However we aren’t talking about traversing universes in a finite amount of time. We’re talking about existence. The fact that I cannot traverse the numbers between 0->1 doesn’t prove the non existence of the number 2.

Thus, even if the types of infinities at play here mismatch, it doesn’t mean that elements within those infinities don’t exist. They’re infinite.


Kilharae t1_j7vjnk6 wrote

But it doesn't mean they do exist either, if they were guaranteed to exist, then the infinities would be equal. If one infinity is infinitely larger than another, then you cannot say that the smaller infinity could contain the larger one. What I'm suggesting is that the infinite universe could be a version of this 'smaller' infinity. While the variations within each 'universe' could be considered the larger infinity. So, it's possible that the infinite universe, is not infinite enough to contain even every variation within a single universe, much less infinite copies of it.