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Outside-Ice-1400 t1_jcvjwx4 wrote

My pet theory is that if you zoomed out far enough, we're all (meaning us and any other distant life) sub-organisms that make up a much, much larger organism...and in turn, that larger organism is a sub-organism of another much, much, much, much larger organism.


[deleted] t1_jcvpbhi wrote



Outside-Ice-1400 t1_jcvqvas wrote

I like your theory. And if true, I find it entirely likely that the larger organism wouldn't have any idea that its sub-organisms were conscious - or perhaps that they even exist at all. The sub-organism environments might just be too damn small - like sub-particle small.

Then again I'm just riffing and have no idea what the hell I'm talking about.


StarChild413 t1_jd5xpgl wrote

But does that mean there are as many universes one layer up from each layer of organisms as there are organisms in any of those universes


Outside-Ice-1400 t1_jd6g6k4 wrote

According to my completely uninformed, pet theory that I pulled out of my nether regions - yes.