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RedBaronBob t1_jaho7it wrote

If they exist it’s a load of very minor differences. Like a single piece of grass not growing in the same place, or some molecule being in a slightly different place than it was in our universe.

My thought being that most of them relative to us have variants so minor we wouldn’t even notice if we’d see it. Like sure, horrors beyond our comprehension, but then there’s just as many where the differences are so minor if we could got to a parallel universe we’re likely to not even notice.


ferrel_hadley t1_jahs4rt wrote

There are two scientific theory that get cited when "almost the same Earth" comes up.

  1. Is the multiworld hypothesis where every quantum event splits into two different worlds so you have alternative realities where everything that could happen has happened.

  2. The other is that in an infinite Universe there is enough variety for almost the exact Earth to have evolved the exact same except for some tiny variation. Every possible variation exists somewhere out in infinity.

Not quite what some mean by parallel Universes.


DeanXeL t1_jahr66p wrote

There's one where the USA uses the metric system, and consequently there's world peace.

There's another one where I put on sneakers this morning instead of work boots, and now I have a few missing toes in that universe.