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ferrettt55 t1_jaiutr3 wrote

It's the idea that we're sending piles of money into space or something. That money is being paid to the people that work on the program, who then put that money back into the economy.


bgplsa t1_jaj46tz wrote

THIS !!! ^ ^ ^ government and academic employees who spend money exactly like private employees on food, housing, entertainment, etc aren’t burning that money for heat, it hasn’t gone anywhere except to support people trogs don’t like.


[deleted] t1_jakga90 wrote



KiwasiGames t1_jal913t wrote

What is a space program other than a far future military research division? This research will eventually filter back to military applications and maintains the US hemomgeny.


gobblox38 t1_jakyhvu wrote

Also, the technologies developed from space programs go on to be used in society. It could be a mundane as velcro or as advanced as medical imaging technology.