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reddit455 t1_jd5hfj0 wrote

there's a lot of stars with planets. you want to find ONE PLANET.


>Why is it so order in our own backyard?

this covers a patch of sky the size of your thumbnail held at arms length. 10,000 galaxies, each with tens of millions of stars... each of those stars with planets.


The Hubble Ultra-Deep Field (HUDF) is a deep-field image of a small region of space in the constellation Fornax, containing an estimated 10,000 galaxies.


this covers a patch of sky the size of a grain of sand held at arms length

NASA’s Webb Delivers Deepest Infrared Image of Universe Yet

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has delivered the deepest and sharpest infrared image of the distant universe so far. Webb’s First Deep Field is galaxy cluster SMACS 0723, and it is teeming with thousands of galaxies – including the faintest objects ever observed in the infrared.


Always2ndB3ST OP t1_jd5p81w wrote

Man, the incomprehensible size of space never ceases to amaze me..