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IiteraIIy t1_jc93jbt wrote

The universe does not go for forever in terms of time, it goes for forever in terms of space.

The universe is expanding infinitely in the sense that everything is getting further and further apart from each other. Eventually, things will get so incredibly far apart that the space between each object will make it impossible for them to interact. Every star will go out and the universe will go dark, and realistically, nothing will ever happen again.

Many theorize that this will precede another big bang, but there is not enough solid evidence to support or disprove this.


EmbarrassedFriend693 OP t1_jc940xt wrote

okay, if another big banghappens and will end in heath death and it continiues infinitely, be the same and everything will exist as it is today? or every bang will be different?


Mr_Driver_1992 t1_jc9588j wrote

We don't know. No one here knows. These are concepts we can't comprehend. A lot of what is happening here is VERY well educated science fiction.

Anyone who gives any other explanation beyond we don't know is really just taking a wildly educated guess.

We can't answer this question.


relentlessvisions t1_jc94gzc wrote

I suspect that every bang is different. I further suspect that humans are rare.


IiteraIIy t1_jc9552x wrote

Honestly I don't have a sure answer to that question. But I can guess.

Based soley on my own very limited knowledge, theoretically if the big bang happened over and over again infinite times, in a completely random fashion every time, you could eventually result in one where every particle ended up in the exact same place and in the exact same state, which could lead to the same nitrogen bonds forming, etc. and the events of this universe would perfectly repeat themselves.


nedo_medo t1_jc9i2cl wrote

Your answer got me thinking. You say "things will get so incredibly far apart that the space between each object will make it impossible for them to interact". Is there a theory that we are actually in one of those objects? Like, our universe as we know it was smaller and part of something else, that at some point drifted so far away that we just cannot interact with the rest of it. So something similar to multiverse theory just that it's not parallel or anything much different than one drifted away part.


IiteraIIy t1_jcehsqf wrote

As far as I know this is pretty much correct. This is why the universe is often reserved to as the "observable universe." Everything outside of that is so far away that not even the light can reach us and allow us to observe it.