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Breezyisback809 t1_jc97ynm wrote

I don’t think you quite really understood what I’ve stated , so my response to your question would just go over your head ….


terst_ t1_jc9mnyu wrote

But yours is not a response to his question


Breezyisback809 t1_jc9pnke wrote

i bet you still in high school but once your frontal lobe fully develops after 25 then you’ll know how to understand that not every question has a right or wrong answer….if you can see the other comments left on this post then you can see everyone has different views on the question asked by OP


terst_ t1_jc9pwbq wrote

I perfectly know that the question cannot have a definite answer and we can only theorise, but your post didn't even try to answer to it and then you started passively-aggressively attacking anyone who pointed that out just like someone whose frontal lobe hasn't fully developed yet


Breezyisback809 t1_jc9qyzc wrote

You stated “Passively-aggressively attacking “ if you ever been to NYC then you would have a hard time socializing in this society because that’s basically our personality 😂 people have to stop being so soft about what random strangers say on the internet. But my apologies if I offended you . And also you stated i “didn’t even try to answer to it” well if you take a look at the other comments then nobody really answered with a direct answer. But hey bro this is space which involves people thinking like this since it’s just endless possibilities!! We are a grain of salt in the universe !