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ferrel_hadley t1_jdgrhps wrote

>The US rocket program was Kickstarted by kidnapped nazi scientists.

The US rocket program was kick started by Robbert Goodard, Goddard's widow successfully sued for patent infringement. Not something the thieves at the CCP will ever admit too.

>The fascists were more imaginative than your so called democracy

This another lie. The west focussed on code breaking, radar and proximity fuses, weapons that had a massive impact on the war, the Nazis focussed on things like huge liquid powered rockets that had no impact.

The Chinese liquid fuelled rocket program was started on "stolen" Nazi technology. Being a very backward country they had to have it gifted to them from the Soviets.

>The first of the Dongfeng missiles, the DF-1 (SS-2, initially codenamed '1059', while the 'DF-1' designation was initially assigned to the project which later became DF-3[1]), was a licensed copy of the Soviet R-2 (SS-2 Sibling) short-range ballistic missile (SRBM),[2] based on the German V-2 rocket. The DF-1 had a single RD-101 rocket engine, and used alcohol for fuel with liquid oxygen (LOX) as an oxidizer. The missile had maximum range of 550 km and a 500 kg payload. Limited numbers of DF-1 were produced in the 1960s, and have since been retired.[1]

So China started with stolen German technology that was stolen from the US in the beginning.

> the communists even sent the first satellite and man into space. You overrate democracy and migration too much.

Soviet Union does not exist any more. Seems a fate that has happened to almost all Communist countries. Just a couple left going.