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Perfect-Editor-5008 t1_jbzf5wh wrote

Living in the northern hemisphere it's so weird seeing the moon like this. It just feels wrong even though I know it's not.


asphytotalxtc t1_jc19rdk wrote

This hit me when I visited a friend in South Africa, I like to think I'm fairly well versed in the stars but the first time I looked up I've never felt so utterly lost! The moon, and orion, upsidedown just confused the hell out of me for a moment.

Southern cross does look pretty in real life though, never seen it with my own eyes before.


AceyAceyAcey t1_jbzhyiw wrote

I mean, if you’re using a telescope the images are often flipped or even rotated 90°.


QuentaAman t1_jc3kdtz wrote

I mean it is wrong. From the reference of the rotation of the earth around the sun and the moon around the earth this is upside down


sharksnut t1_jc0ybry wrote

It is wrong. A refractor inverts the image. If he was really in the southern hemisphere (if it even exists), it would look the same as from the northern hemisphere through bare eyes. Q.E.D.
