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pmMeAllofIt t1_jbccxd7 wrote

They call it a dry/wet moon, smiling moon, or Cheshire Cat Moon, and many other names in different cultures

Simple answer, due to the tilt of the Planet changing the angle of the Sun as we orbit around it and the angle of the orbit of the Moon around Earth, the angle of the "line" of light changes. Depending on where you are, that line of light goes from almost vertical to more horizontal.


KillaWatt84 t1_jbdcyfc wrote

I love that you said dry/wet moon. I grew up in the Cayman islands and an old fisherman told me when the crescent moon is on the side it's going to rain cause the moon is tipping out it's water. And when it's on the bottom it's holding the water so it won't rain.

Weirdest part is it seems to be true most times. Lol