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lezboyd t1_je6qfkk wrote

My takeaway from this and other such articles regarding exoplanets is that it seems much more common for gaan giants to be orbiting near their star, and it seems Jupiter is an outlier in that sense. It seems Jupiter would've also been this way if not for the formation of Saturn whose gravitational pull stopped it advancing inwards and caused it to retreat back to where it presently is.


Jakebsorensen t1_je6xd1q wrote

It also could be possible that we’re just better at finding gas giants close to stars compared to other planet types


lezboyd t1_je73q33 wrote

Never say never, but the evidence in our own solar system indicates that Jupiter was also on its way inwards until stopped by Saturn. So it may be that gas giants make their way inwards by default unless circumstances dictate otherwise.


SalmonNgiri t1_je72uec wrote

The science of how we look for planets means it’s a lot easier to see a gas giant close to a star, since their orbit causes the greatest change in the light detected.


lezboyd t1_je744t7 wrote

I'm skeptical about that. A few days ago, a news article was posted on this sub, where a hot gasgiant with a silica atmosphere was found orbiting a binary star pair at 9x the distance between sun and pluto. We're presently using many instruments and technologies to observe exoplanets and transit method is just one of them.
