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SpoutsIgnorance t1_jbh60ut wrote

Exactly identical? No. Varying degrees of similar? Yes


VendaGoat t1_jbhansd wrote

Wow. Motherfuckers in this post do not like probability theory and statistics.


JesusChrist-Jr t1_jbh9iiu wrote

Unlikely, yes. Impossible, no. It's like the premise of putting a bunch of monkeys in a room with typewriters, on a long enough timeline one of them will eventually produce a copy of a Shakespeare play just by sheer chance.


s1ngular1ty2 t1_jbh3nyb wrote

Yes unlikely by the mathematical definition but not impossible.


ObligatoryOption t1_jbh5him wrote

Among billions and billions of planets, surely you can find a pair that are pretty similar to each other. Like rocks: they're all different until you look closely for a comparable pair. It's just a matter of deciding how similar they have to be before you declare them identical, and that's a personal decision.


Quinexalt t1_jbhqeuq wrote

Just cuz the word identical gets used like it's subjective that doesn't mean it is.


K_Marcad t1_jbief6s wrote

That's not the point. Identical is identical but what levels in a a rock have to be identical for you to consider it identical enough? Size, density and shape? That's only identical until you zoom to the surface and see the stuctural differences on it. Then theres the inside of the rock. Does molecular stucture need to be fully identical all the way? It's about where do you draw the line that they are identical enough. If we go all the way then I'd argue that we can erase the word identical because nothing is truly identical.


VendaGoat t1_jbh60b6 wrote

Absolutely identical? Highly unlikely.

However, since the universe is considered infinite, the law of large numbers takes over.

Which means there will be. It's just not common.


OffusMax t1_jbh80fk wrote

The thing is that the chemical composition of the material the planets are made from would match that of the planetary disk surrounding the parent star. The odds are that signature will be different for different stars, but will be very similar for the planets in that system.


Quinexalt t1_jbhq3ru wrote

Man y'all are hedging. If the universe is finite, even though it's insanely massive, it's like a hair short of impossible. If it's infinite then there are infinite identical copies of everything.


Ice_Sicle_of_Frost t1_jbhvfdx wrote

There is a theory (don't know the name of it) that says the universe will one day die, then it will be nothing but void for a while, and eventually ripples will create another universe, and it recycles infinitely. That's just simplified.

If this is the case, then eventually things will repeat. The might even be another earth at some point. Or even an entire universe full of Earths.

If not, then you MIGHT be able to find something that is extremely similar.


peter303_ t1_jbi4st9 wrote

In our solar system Earth and Venus are similar size, but quite different surfaces and atmospheres.


Average-Duck t1_jbijkw9 wrote

If you mean identical to a quantum level, then no, it's impossible, and if two quantum-level perfectly identical planets did exist, they'd immediately start to diverge.

How close to identical would you accept?


space-ModTeam t1_jbinfix wrote

Hello u/fozib34r, your submission "is it unlikely for identical planets to exist?" has been removed from r/space because:

  • Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub.

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