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cheatme1 t1_jdf8nmv wrote

Well it hasn't happened or been explored or tested in any way but these theories make it seem probable everything slows down around a black hole even time.


Aquaticulture t1_jdfbfp1 wrote

Time dilation due to gravity has been explored and tested…


Ivedefected t1_jdfhirh wrote

Even more - GPS satellites experience time dilation relative to Earth (both gravitational and kinetic) which they correct for to provide accurate location data.


cheatme1 t1_jdfqz6i wrote

Somekindofadult said the same thing but yes still appreciate your fact check also


SomeKindOfAdult t1_jdflv3u wrote

Time dilation due to gravity wells has been well tested by satellites in Earth's orbit. They aren't as deep in Earth's gravity well and experience less time dilation. It's very tiny, but measurable.

Even more, specific, the orbit of Mercury is affected by time dilation due to how close to the Sun it is in a very noticeable way. This was a real mystery - people speculated there had to be another planet pulling on it, named Vulcan - until Einstein proposed Relativity as the correct answer.


cheatme1 t1_jdfm2qx wrote

I appreciate this explanation even more you even went into details thanks great fact check


OnlyAstronomyFans t1_jdhncqb wrote

Not to pick on you, but technically you get time dilation any time you speed up relative to what your speed was previous. I think people have been able to prove this experiment with long-haul commercial flights and fantastically accurate clocks.