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d_barbz t1_jdp286p wrote

He didn't need to clarify it until you misunderstood it.

If you wanted to add to a cool fact your sentence would have been better off starting with something along the lines of "And", "Also" or even "However" rather than something that's attempting to be contradictory like "Not quite".


r0ckH0pper t1_jdp6w3g wrote

Um, please keep this theoretical. No experimenting. Please.


dreamchains t1_jdpbeoa wrote

You clearly don't understand what "not quite" means, so not sure why you're being so pedantic. It's not contradicting anything. It's saying his comment was "not completely or entirely" (definition straight from google) true. Really don't understand why you guys feel the need to get so defensive on behalf of someone I wasn't even attacking.


d_barbz t1_jdpey9h wrote

The same reason you spoke up in the first place mate. We're all a bunch of pedantic fucks


MinniMemes t1_jdsmtcj wrote

The pedantry started with your comment. “Not quite” starts with a negation. There’s no need to negate something that was already true. You can clarify without negating. In fact, it’s much more fun that way. Share first, rather than using language that is ‘gatekeep-y’.


dreamchains t1_jdt2f08 wrote

You clearly still don't know what "not quite" means, even though I literally just copy pasted it. How much more could I possibly spell it out?