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Fillsfo t1_jbzve4x wrote

Anyone who has manufactured complex systems knows that one of the benefits of serial production is that problems tend to repeat until you find and solve the root cause

I'm not saying this isn't a defect their qc system would have caught in the past but it is possible the root cause is some new failure mode the system is currently unable to catch.

I would not berate the Russian engineers until the facts come out

Do recall that we lost two space shuttles, one due to a management error launching when too cold. But the other was lost due to complacency. Seeing huge chunks of ice falling away and no problem resulting from it was a huge miss

I expect engineers around the world do their best on these things. Most really care. The tougher one is management. They are budget and time constrained and often not knowledgeable engineers. It is way easier to make the wrong call in these cases

As an engineer in the US who started out in aerospace, I'm astonished at how well the US and Russian space communities have held together given the world situation. It must be very difficult to collaborate effectively but they seem to be doing it much better than I would have hoped.

I recommend we cut them some slack and let them do their jobs with less heckling. They are all people like you and me.