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seanbrockest t1_je9hw47 wrote

It's always good to find problems in the safest way possible, but wow these guys need a win right now. Hope they move forward quickly and safely.


wdwerker t1_je9tkqx wrote

Testing to failure before launch seems reasonable to prevent a disaster with massive amounts of fuel & oxygen !


TbonerT OP t1_je9ubpc wrote

It doesn't sound like they were testing to failure, though, since failure wouldn't be an anomaly in that case.


danielravennest t1_jea7hbz wrote

It was a max structural load test, so it wasn't supposed to fail. Could be anything from a popped valve to crushed soda can. We need more details.


[deleted] t1_jebejw3 wrote



oiturtlez t1_jebjdxr wrote

"Centaur V structural article"

Why would that be related to BE4 at all?

Edit: also Blue Origin posted a video of a BE7 test yesterday, not a BE4 test... Unless you are referring to something else


SpaceCadetRick t1_jecsnha wrote

No, Centaur V uses 2 RL10-C engines. They are very similar to the engines used on Centaur III which flies on the Atlas V.

Centaur V is the second stage of the Vulcan Centaur vehicle.

edit I misread your comment, the comment you replied to was deleted and I thought you were asking the question about the BE-4 engines.


oiturtlez t1_jecuy6b wrote

The original comment was implying that this was caused by some problem with the BE-4s haha. So i was asking the commenter for clarification on how the booster engines might cause an upper stage structural test failure…


SpaceCadetRick t1_jecw2bw wrote

I mean if they pointed the engines right at it and fired them that could probably do it, I probably have aluminum foil that's thicker than the Centaur V's stainless steel tanks.


TbonerT OP t1_jebfm1o wrote

No, Tory is precise in his language. If he was talking about the engines he would have said so. He's talking about the vehicle the engines will power.


[deleted] t1_jeaspxl wrote

