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Craigg75 t1_jdtpux4 wrote

Actually you wouldn't be able to see it because there is not enough photons reaching your eye. If you kept a camera film exposed over several hours you would see the image of the galaxy. It's a sad fact that we will never see a galaxy with our eyes even if Andromeda was almost on top of us.


Snifflypig t1_jdtufps wrote

We can already see Andromeda with the naked eye, no?


Hyper98 t1_jdu92c4 wrote

It's extremely faint but yeah it's technically visible, just barely


CHANROBI t1_jdu8geb wrote

100% wrong

Andromeda is typically the farthest object you can see with the naked eye from a dark site. Even from a bortle 2/3 site its naked eye.

You have no idea what youre talking about